Wednesday nights are our midweek youth nights designed specifically for weekly community, fellowship, and as an opportunity for students to bring guests.
We meet from 6:30-8pm and we are currently going through a study called “Truth”. Are students are in the midst of a culture telling them what is true. This study challenges our students to let Scripture be the foundation of Truth.
The last Wednesday of every month is our monthly game night in which we dedicate the entire time to hangout and have fun with one another. And serves again as a great opportunity to invite friends to church!

Sunday mornings at 9 am is our youth bible study! This has a similar style to our Wednesday nights but goes through a different study.
Typical schedule for Wednesdays and Sundays:
During our Wednesday and Sunday youth group, we have a time to hangout, a time of games, a time of worship, time together as a large group and the remaining time is broken up into smaller bible study groups led by our adult leaders.