Our Purpose
Our purpose at FBC Lutz is to connect people to God, and worship is a foundational part of that purpose. Scripturally-based corporate worship is a response that is focused on God alone, while maintaining participation, relevance, and excellence. Through the use of the arts, we seek to provide live rhythm-based music, and multimedia presentations that facilitates a vertical, relevant, and celebrative worship of and to God.

We have an amazing group of instrumentalists and vocalists that accompany our weekly Sunday morning services. Our band currently consists of: piano, keyboards, drums, bass, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, and the use of click tracks. Our praise teams are designed for the more experienced vocalist who enjoys leading worship with a smaller group of singers.

Our tech ministry is one of the most important parts of our weekly services, as they work our sound, computer, and lighting operations. The team rotates on a schedule for the regular services and events, so that members of the team can get connected with other ministries. The team controls everything from our Behringer 32-channel digital mixing console, to our Ableton Live station (with in-ear monitor mixing), to the ProPresenter presentation software, to our LED stage lighting system. If you have experience in these areas, or just an interest in working “behind the scenes” on technical support, our Sound/Tech Ministry is the place for you!

If you enjoy worshipping God through music, while working together with lots of great people of all ages, then we have a place for you in our worship choir. The choir presents 3 worship projects each year (Easter, Summer, and Christmas). Not only are these projects presented at FBC Lutz, but the choir also get the opportunity to minister through music to Zephyrhills Correctional Institute. Since much of music we learn is used in our weekly services, the choir also leads worship for regularly scheduled Sunday morning services. Rehearsals are currently held on Wednesday nights, from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM, in the choir room. Nursery is available during rehearsal.

On one Sunday morning every quarter, all of the men of FBC Lutz are invited to the Fellowship Hall for breakfast, starting at 7:30 AM. Food and fellowship are followed by a devotion, then the group gathers to practice leading songs in worship for that Sunday morning. Men of all ages are welcomed to attend, and the group always helps facilitate a powerful morning of worship.